with Chris Bint of Tech Coaches
Beware! Every day, technology users around the world are tricked into some sort of scam by fraudsters, which can cost money, private data, and a person's well-being. Whether it's over the phone or on the Internet, the best defence against being fooled by a digital scammer is to stay informed.
Learn how to spot today's common and not-so-common tricks and scams, like fraudulent phone calls, bogus websites, phishing emails, and fake text messages. Chris also covers how to identify and repair an email account that's been "hacked" and what to do if you think you've been scammed.
Tech Talks with Chris Bint always fill with a long waitlist—so if you register and can't attend, please cancel your registration so that someone else can. Thank you!
Registration closes 60 minutes before the program begins. You can access Zoom on your computer or device through the Zoom app or by calling in. To attend the program on the phone, please register and we'll provide the information you need to listen in.