LIVE via ZOOM | Runs Tuesdays Oct. 17 to Nov. 21 7-9pm | Participants are expected to attend all six weeks of the program.
Each week learn the basic fundamentals of how to go beyond "point & shoot" and understand the use of the camera controls to get the photos you want. Understand liighting & exposure, how to control focus & "depth-of-field" with aperture, controlling motion with shutter speed, what lenses & focal lengths work best, composing your photograph, white balance, and how to use flash.
Although certain aspects covered in this course can be achieved using a cell phone, this course is geared to those that have cameras with adjustable settings.
Handout material is provided online to summarize each class along with specific sessions having additional online reference videos.
Read the class outline for each week
Offered in partnership with Burlington PhotoWorkshops.
Registration closes 60 minutes before the program begins. You will receive Zoom details by email when you register. You can access Zoom on your computer or device.
If you need an accessibility accommodation during this program, please register early so we can confirm arrangements a few days before you attend.