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How to use the Libby app to download FREE digital books
Learn to quickly and easily download FREE eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines from the library's OverDrive digital collection onto your tablet or mobile phone.
This is an introductory course to using the Libby app. Due to the nature of the program, we cannot troubleshoot individual issues with the app during this session. If you are experiencing issues with your device, please call us at 905.639.3611, use our Contact Us form, or visit your nearest library location for help.
Explore BPL's OverDrive digital collection
If you need an accessibility accommodation during this program, please register early so we can confirm arrangements a few days before your visit.
Aldershot Branch, BPL’s first satellite location, opened on 29 September 1960. The branch relocated many times, most recently reopening on 01 December 2011 in a new facility shared with Halton Community Housing Corporation. It is the first BPL branch to open in a residential complex.